IIT Madras

IIT Hyderabad

IIT Bombay

IIT Indore

IIT Gandhinagar

IIT Guwahati

IIT Ropar

Kotak - IIT Madras Save Energy Mission (KISEM)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


The subject plant is located in Jalna district of Maharashtra and falls under NIC Category-24105. This assessment was carried out by the IEAC Center, IIT Bombay, during the course of the year 2023.

General Info

Principal Product

Re-Rolling Mill

Plant Area (Sq.ft)


No. of Employees


Production Hours


Annual Production

Annual Sales


Assessment Summary

Total Energy Costs(per year)


Total Recommended Investment(one time)


Total Recommended Savings(per year)


Energy Costs Calculation

Annual Usage




Unit Cost


Annual Cost



Annual Usage




Unit Cost


Annual Cost


Total Energy Costs(per year)


Observations & Recommendations
CPF - Capacitor & Power Factor
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Many Capacitors are Derated. Thyristor failiure is there in 50kVAR. During night grid is feed around 15kVARReplace Derated Capacitors. Fixed Capacitors should be decreased.30,474₹3,51,498₹1,50,0005.1
MT - Motors
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
3 Big (2 for 12 Hrs & one for 5 Hrs) cutting machines are thereInstall VFD for 2 out of 3 cutting machines which are being operated 12 hours and tune the VFD for the same purpose19,152₹2,20,906₹2,70,00014.7
There are 5 (three 5hp & two 3hp) small cutting machines which are operating whole 12 hours.Install pedal switch which will be cost effective method for 3 cutting machines which are near rolling mill4,770₹55,019₹10,0002.2
MT - Motors
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Coal Crushing machine is working at variable loadInstall VFD and tune the VFD for the same purpose44,064₹5,08,250₹2,00,0004.7
PP - Pumps
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Pump bypass valve is open full time. Out of 13.81 m3/hr only 9 m3/hr is required in plantInstall VFD for the pump so that the flow/pressure should be maintained17,022₹1,96,342₹1,20,0007.3
BR - Boiler & Steam Line
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
The exhaust temperature is too high (~600 deg.C)Install recuperator to preheat the air from 35 deg.C to 120 deg.C45,566₹6,83,490₹10,00,00017.6
Thermal insulation is not good enough in many areas in the furnace wallInsulate perfectly, give double insulation if required28,976₹4,34,640₹1,00,0002.8
MT - Motors
ObservationRecommendationUnit SavingsAnnual SavingsInvestmentROIStatus
Rolling Mill is manually operatingAutomise the rolling mill so that production can be increased