IIT Madras

IIT Hyderabad

IIT Bombay

IIT Indore

IIT Gandhinagar

IIT Guwahati

IIT Ropar

Kotak - IIT Madras Save Energy Mission (KISEM)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Pre Assessment

The pre-assessment form will be provided to the client. This form generally includes:

  1. Size of Plant and plant layout
  2. Industry type (NIC code) and process description
  3. Production levels, units, monetary values, operating hours
  4. A one-year history of utility bills
  5. List of major energy-consuming equipment
  1. Senior Executive in charge of the plant operation
  2. Plant manager
  3. Energy manager
  4. Environmental personnel
  5. Maintenance personnel
  1. Analyze the manufacturing process
  2. Chart and graph utility bills
  3. Analyze utility bills for trends and errors; establish the unit cost of energy
  4. Start Plant profile 
  5. Identify key energy systems
  6. Review design and other technical documentation
  7. Identify possible energy saving potential recommendations using the KISEM database
  8. Develop Assessment Strategy


  1. Introduction
    • History of the KISEM program, the kick-off meeting
    • Distribute case studies, tip sheets
  2. Description of the manufacturing process and operations
    • Is this a typical day?
    • Run through the process following the material flow
    • Discussion of inventory levels
    • Questions about defects, bottlenecks, and waste materials
    • Present charts and tables of utility bills
  3. Plant Tour
    • Conduct in the direction of the material flow
    • Plant Manager to conduct a tour
    • Only one person will ask questions
    • Conceptual tour, no data taken
  4. Meeting room debriefing
    • Discuss the process, ask questions
    • Develop and plan for the afternoon
    • Create specific tasks and divide them into teams
  5. Review notes and brainstorm
    • Develop a list of potential energy-saving opportunities
    • Ensure that everyone has clarity of process and potential recommendations
  6. Refine the List of opportunities to be investigated
    • Decide what information needs to be gathered, measured, monitored
    • Assign teams to specific tasks
    • Make plans to meet at the assigned time and place
  7. Field Data Gathering (Only in Detailed) **
    -Conduct Measurements, monitoring, and diagnostic testing
    • Motor systems
    • Heat processes
    • Cooling processes
    • Water Use and pumps
    • Ventilation
    • Compressed Air
    • Delivery and distribution systems

** In case of a walk-through Assessment for any of the key details identified, field data to be gathered.

  1. Closure Meeting
    • Discuss findings with management
    • The preliminary estimate of potential savings
    • List out additional information required 
    • Prioritize recommendations of analysis
  1. Communicate on the list identified in the closure meeting
    • Send out the mail if required in a specific format
    • Follow up over calls and emails to collect maximum data
  2. Collate the details and classify them as required for the analysis

Post Assessment

  1. Conduct engineering and financial analysis
    • Develop first-order estimates of implementation cost
    • Deliver draft report to the client, upload data to KISEM database
  2. Contents of an KISEM Report
    • Executive Summary including a summary of Recommendations
    • Plant Description
    • Process Description
    • Resource Charts and Tables
    • Major Energy Consuming Equipment
    • Best Practices
    • Description of Individual Energy-Saving Recommendations
  3. Follow-up and finalize Detailed Report
    • Call the client within two weeks to get the feedback on the draft and discuss and mutually finalize Final Report
    • Submit the Final Report to the client
    • Update the data in the KISEM Database
  4. Follow-up Actions
    • Call the client in two weeks to ensure delivery and answer any questions
    • Follow up in 2-3 months for the implementation schedule of Recommendations
    • Call the client in 6-9 months for implementation data
    • Upload data to the KISEM database
    • Inquire about the potential for a Case Study of the project(s)